We offer worship, fellowship and healing services.
We offer support for people with disability, and visiting the sick and the elderly.
The Ministry of the Upper Room.
We are an esoteric Christian Church which recognises that God is Love, Power, Truth and Light.
Our ministry is dedicated to support the spiritual life of all who seek to know and experience God.
We believe that everyone is equal, everyone has a purpose on this planet, and we are all a part of God’s plan.
We are all One within God, and God is One within us.
We strive to live by the teachings of Jesus Christ: Love your neighbor as yourself; Love your enemies; Forgive others who have wronged you; and Do not judge.
We recognise the importance for a Christian Church to promote freedom of thoughts, one that is free from dogma and judgements.
We accept all souls and support every individual’s unique path.

Our Ideals
Our ideals are to be inclusive and non-dogmatic. We achieve this through love, non-judgement and forgiveness, both outwardly and inwardly.
Our Principles
We follow the principles of Jesus Christ. These include:
- Love your neighbor as yourself;
- Love your enemies;
- Forgive others who have wronged you; and
- Do not judge.
More information on our principles can be found in The Inclusive Sacramental Church of Christ’s website.
Our Mission
To be a refuge for spiritual seekers who would welcome the Peace that passes all understanding. To provide a spiritual covering and an environment that is positive for growth in Christ. Providing love, non-judgement and forgiveness.

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